We are a SHIFT+LEFT Security organization

OUR VISION: Deliver an effective security program for its customers by uplifting Culture, Processes and Optimal use of Technology.
OUR MISSION: CSI is committed to delivering Proactive, Automated, and Measured Security Solutions.
   OUR PHILOSOPHY: If its not build secure, its not build right

Cyber Security Inc. was founded in 2013 with the vision to help organizations struggling to secure their information assets. We believe in not being a tool-centric cybersecurity company, but a tool-agnostic organization.

As a full-service cyber security service provider, we help our customers manage cyber risks, meet compliance requirements and detect & respond to incidents while protecting their business.

Our People

Cyber Security Inc.’s vision is to be recognized globally as a reliable managed app sec, proactive cybersecurity provider and in the process become your most trusted partner.

Our highly skilled and professional team comprises Solution architects, Information security engineers, Pen testers, SOC experts, and Network Engineers.

We intend on leading the path towards digital transformation and developing ecosystems which in turn help in making applications secure through the implementation of robust security solutions.

We help our customers create applications that are secure by design, enabling agile DevOps and hybrid cloud deployment with no compromise on security or compliance.